Wuxia Novelist: A Writer's Blog

Wuxia Novelist: A Writer's Blog looks at the broad range of issues encountered by me as a novelist working in the Chinese wuxia (heroic fiction) genre. I have, however, a very broad background and this blog will not narrowly focus on one genre of literature, rather I will consider books, movies, and ideas that relate to my life as a writer. For more information about my background please visit my author's website: www.thedragongateinn.com or www.facebook.com/WuxiaNovelist

Location: United States

Check out my author's website: www.thedragongateinn.com for everything you could ever want to know about me.

Friday, November 2, 2007

A Cloudy Day Suddenly Brightens!

Well, no sooner than I write that my publisher has limited funds for a publicity campaign than he pulls one out of his magic hat!

My publisher just notified me that my wuxia novel, Dream of the Dragon Pool - A Daoist Quest placed as an Award-Winning Finalist in the Fiction & Literature: Fantasy/Science Fiction category of the National Best Book 2007 Awards (http://www.usabooknews.com/bestbooksawards2007.html).

This should afford us a lot of needed publicity and give a big push to the English language wuxia literary movement - join us! ;-}


The Innkeeper


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